Individual Membership

Thank you for your interests in joining ICM as Individual Member. Our individual membership for HK residents is free of charge. Information of membership types can be found on this website. Please fill in the following ICM Membership Application Form in BLOCK LETTERS. You will require to upload your portrait photo in JPG/PNG format not larger than 1MB.

The ICM Membership officer will contact you by email asap upon receiving your submission of the membership form. If you have any enquiries relating to membership, please send a email to [email protected].

Individual Membership

Student Members Full Time Students
Members Marketing Practitioners with less than 10 years of relevant working experience
Executive Members Senior Executives with at least 10 years of relevant experience, of which 5 of them are having P&L responsibility. Executive membership requires additional assessment.
Fellows Senior Business Executives or Business Owners who have proven track records in their business and/or marketing management.

Individual Membership Fee

Types HK Resident China & Overseas
Students Free Free
Members Free US$30
Executives Free US$80
Fellows Free US$120


Online Application Form
First Name
Last Name
Files must be less than 2 MB.
Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png.
Contact Information
Job Information
Note: supporting & assessment might be required.
Year of Experience
supporting evidence might be necessary upon request.
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